This is my double page spread article that will feature in my magazine. This is about one of the teams in the world cup Portugal, and about the 'world's player of the year' Cristiano Ronaldo leading the team to the world cup. This article is about the build up and talks about the team and the individual.
Monday, 4 April 2011
What work my partner and I did
In this project I had a partner, we decided that he would do the front cover, and I would do the contents page, both of which were modelled on the ‘FourFourTwo’ magazine we had. My partner and I also had to write our own double page article each.
Wednesday, 16 March 2011
Lifestyle Magazine Audience Research 2
Research Life style Magazines
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Ethnicity: Black African
What types of music do you listen to?
R&B and Hip-Hop
What magazines do you read?
Sports magazines
What magazine internet sites do you use?
Haven’t really used one
What digital music technology do you use?
IPod touch
If you read magazine web sites, what material interests you most?
Haven’t been on a magazine website
If a new life style magazine was aimed at you what would you like to see in it?
I would like to see the latest fixtures, top 10 players in the world. (it should be football)
Which shops do you buy your clothes from?
Uniqlo and JD sports
How much time each day do you spend listening to music?
1 hour
Who are your favourite music artists?
I don’t have a favourite
Thank you for your help
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Ethnicity: Black African
What types of music do you listen to?
R&B and Hip-Hop
What magazines do you read?
Sports magazines
What magazine internet sites do you use?
Haven’t really used one
What digital music technology do you use?
IPod touch
If you read magazine web sites, what material interests you most?
Haven’t been on a magazine website
If a new life style magazine was aimed at you what would you like to see in it?
I would like to see the latest fixtures, top 10 players in the world. (it should be football)
Which shops do you buy your clothes from?
Uniqlo and JD sports
How much time each day do you spend listening to music?
1 hour
Who are your favourite music artists?
I don’t have a favourite
Thank you for your help
Tuesday, 8 March 2011
Lifestyle Magazine Audience Research
This is a survey that I made and asked someone to fill in, here are the results:
Research Life style Magazines
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Ethnicity: White British
What types of music do you listen to?
What magazines do you read?
FourFourTwo and Match of the Day
What magazine internet sites do you use?
What digital music technology do you use?
iPod and Radio.
If you read magazine web sites, what material interests you most?
Football and games
If a new life style magazine was aimed at you what would you like to see in it?
Free gifts, football articles and game articles.
Which shops do you buy your clothes from?
Uniqlo, H&M and Topman.
How much time each day do you spend listening to music?
At least an hour.
Who are your favourite music artists?
Arctic Monkeys, Red Hot Chili Peppers and many others.
Thank you for your help
Research Life style Magazines
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Ethnicity: White British
What types of music do you listen to?
What magazines do you read?
FourFourTwo and Match of the Day
What magazine internet sites do you use?
What digital music technology do you use?
iPod and Radio.
If you read magazine web sites, what material interests you most?
Football and games
If a new life style magazine was aimed at you what would you like to see in it?
Free gifts, football articles and game articles.
Which shops do you buy your clothes from?
Uniqlo, H&M and Topman.
How much time each day do you spend listening to music?
At least an hour.
Who are your favourite music artists?
Arctic Monkeys, Red Hot Chili Peppers and many others.
Thank you for your help
Wednesday, 16 February 2011
Tuesday, 15 February 2011
This is the picture we decided to use in my contents page, we chose this because this is the one that best suited the magazine, when compared to the other pictures, it offers variety.

The other three pictures were contenders to be in the contents page but my partner and I decided these photos were too similar to the other photos we captured.
Monday, 14 February 2011
Friday, 11 February 2011
Magazine Cover (Hand-drawn)

This is the magazine cover that was hand-drawn by my partner, which goes with the hand-drawn contents page that I, my partner styled the cover on the magazine ‘FourFourTwo.’ He put a footballer on the front to make it clear to the readers it is a football magazine. He put all the featured articles and interviews on the front cover to draw the audience in to buying the magazine, he also included the information of the magazine, such as price and the website.
Magazine Contents Page (Hand-drawn)

This is the contents page I planned to do before I made the contents page with a computer, I styled it in a similar way to the magazine ‘FourFourTwo’ I detailed everything that was in the magazine in the column on the left, and I included featured interviews and articles in the middle of the page, which is also shown on the front cover, where it is more visible and the reader wants to skip to that part of the magazine
Magazine Cover (Draft)
Wednesday, 9 February 2011
Magazine Contents Page (Draft)
Tuesday, 1 February 2011
Creating your own magazine
Complete this planning sheet for your magazine and then begin planning your first articles
What genre of magazine will it be?
It is a Sports magazine, which is about football.
Who are the target audience?
The target audience for my magazine will be from young teenagers to adults, anyone that is interested in football, adults will be interested as it is not a childish magazine.
What articles will you include in your magazine?
List of articles
1. Interview with David O’Leary.
2. Article on Real Madrid losing to lower league team.
3. Article on transfer window.
4. Interview on football youngsters.
5. Article on Football manager Gordon Strachan.
6. Article on the 2018 world cup hosts bid.
7. Article on radio show talksport.
8. Article on Aldershot football club.
What other things will it contain? – quizzes, horoscopes etc
1. Contents Page.
2. Adverts.
3. Information on subscribing benefits.
4. Interview with footballer Ciaran Clarke.
5. Free poster.
6. Interview with Alex Sanchez.
What will be advertised in your magazine?
1. Hair gel.
2. Shampoo.
3. Peugeot car.
4. Yahoo internet.
5. Sony Ericsson phone.
6. Samsung Television.
7. Stella Artois beer.
8. Sony ‘Handy cam.’
9. Shaving cream.
10. Panasonic Television.
What will be on the front page?
Price- £2.90
Date- July 2010
Cover lines- Argentina’s World Cup Dream; Chelsea’s FA Cup Glory; Hernandez: Man United’s new Mexican ace; David Beckham’s view on the World Cup 2010.
Special offers- Cheaper magazines subscription offer.
Freebies- Free poster.
Complete this planning sheet for your magazine and then begin planning your first articles
What genre of magazine will it be?
It is a Sports magazine, which is about football.
Who are the target audience?
The target audience for my magazine will be from young teenagers to adults, anyone that is interested in football, adults will be interested as it is not a childish magazine.
What articles will you include in your magazine?
List of articles
1. Interview with David O’Leary.
2. Article on Real Madrid losing to lower league team.
3. Article on transfer window.
4. Interview on football youngsters.
5. Article on Football manager Gordon Strachan.
6. Article on the 2018 world cup hosts bid.
7. Article on radio show talksport.
8. Article on Aldershot football club.
What other things will it contain? – quizzes, horoscopes etc
1. Contents Page.
2. Adverts.
3. Information on subscribing benefits.
4. Interview with footballer Ciaran Clarke.
5. Free poster.
6. Interview with Alex Sanchez.
What will be advertised in your magazine?
1. Hair gel.
2. Shampoo.
3. Peugeot car.
4. Yahoo internet.
5. Sony Ericsson phone.
6. Samsung Television.
7. Stella Artois beer.
8. Sony ‘Handy cam.’
9. Shaving cream.
10. Panasonic Television.
What will be on the front page?
Price- £2.90
Date- July 2010
Cover lines- Argentina’s World Cup Dream; Chelsea’s FA Cup Glory; Hernandez: Man United’s new Mexican ace; David Beckham’s view on the World Cup 2010.
Special offers- Cheaper magazines subscription offer.
Freebies- Free poster.
Magazine deconstruction: FourFourTwo
1. Who is the target audience for this magazine? What are clues are given(take a look at the image used and the language used—explain in detail):The target audience for this magazine are people who are into football; want to know information about their/other clubs. The age group can range from 16+, mainly because the magazine costs a lot of money and is not really a kid’s magazine, but some children are still interested in it. The clues for this is that there are speech marks showing a sentence that they said in an interview maybe talking about their next move, which is what football fans are interested in.
2. Describe how the person on the front cover looks—use adjectivesThe people on the front cover, they are pictures taken from when they were playing in a match, and cropped the photo so it’s just the three players next to each other. With the quotes that are underneath the pictures, the pictures relate to the quote, for example David Silva has the words under him “I want to win.” So the picture of him is determined.
3. Magazine covers are also considered advertisements. What are the techniques that this magazine uses to sell their magazine to their readers?The magazines front cover has been used to sell the magazine for people who are just walking past and they could see a player they like or an article that is about something/someone they are interested in. It also sells the magazine for the gossip that doesn’t really have much to do with football, for example it says that they want to move club or something that they wanted to do before being a footballer, or they could mention a normal kind of day for them and reveal gossip of what the other players do or talk about.
4. Take a look at the image on the front cover. What do each of the following connote to the reader:
Body language:Sergio Aguero is at the front and his body language shows that he has just scored and is celebrating his goal, but Luis Fabiano and David Silva have the body language which shows they are in control of the ball and focusing on the ball or looking up for what to do next.
Eye contact:
None of the three players on the front cover are making eye contact with the camera, because they took a photo from while each of the players were playing and then crop the photos and put them together, so they were focused on the game being played.
Facial expression:
The players have different facial expressions based on where on the pitch they are, for all players, they have positive facial expressions, because Sergio Aguero has
Each of the players are wearing the football shirt of the club that they are playing for, Sergio Aguero and David Silva are wearing their club kit, whereas Luis Fabiano is wearing his national kit.
Camera angle and lighting:
The photos of the players were taken from a real match so the pictures were taken during the match, plus there wasn’t any lighting for the picture, but there were floodlights so the whole pitch was visible, however that’s for the players not for the picture.
The players aren’t wearing any make up because the pictures were taken while they were on the pitch so they haven’t got any make up on.
5. Does the front page convey responsible messages to the target audience? Say why or why not.The front page sends a message that the players are doing their job and taking it seriously, their not being forced into doing it, so some of the players can be a role model for other things, not just the way they play football.
6. What information does the cover give you about what the magazine contains?The information on the cover shows that there is a lot of gossip in terms of players moving to a different club and also interviews on their life off of the pitch, the magazine also shows information on new and upcoming players.
7. What do the following convey (what do they potentially mean) to the potential reader?
a. The title:
The title of the magazine is also a formation of which a team can use as a tactic, it is also the most used one, so when people see the name of the magazine is FourFourTwo, they will know it is a football magazine.
b. The image on the front cover:
The images on the front cover are of three players playing football, but taken from different periods of the game, so when you are playing football, you should be really focused on what you are doing so you play really well.
8. Do you think the cover will appeal to a potential reader? Explain how and why.
I think the cover will appeal to the reader if they are players/teams that the reader is interested in, or if the cover says that there is more information on the inside, then the reader might really want to know what they have to say about who is moving teams and who are young players that are good.
9. How is it similar to titles in the same genre? How is it different?FourFourTwo is usually the magazine that other football magazines compare to, but I think it’s the best football magazine that isn’t a children’s magazine
2. Describe how the person on the front cover looks—use adjectivesThe people on the front cover, they are pictures taken from when they were playing in a match, and cropped the photo so it’s just the three players next to each other. With the quotes that are underneath the pictures, the pictures relate to the quote, for example David Silva has the words under him “I want to win.” So the picture of him is determined.
3. Magazine covers are also considered advertisements. What are the techniques that this magazine uses to sell their magazine to their readers?The magazines front cover has been used to sell the magazine for people who are just walking past and they could see a player they like or an article that is about something/someone they are interested in. It also sells the magazine for the gossip that doesn’t really have much to do with football, for example it says that they want to move club or something that they wanted to do before being a footballer, or they could mention a normal kind of day for them and reveal gossip of what the other players do or talk about.
4. Take a look at the image on the front cover. What do each of the following connote to the reader:
Body language:Sergio Aguero is at the front and his body language shows that he has just scored and is celebrating his goal, but Luis Fabiano and David Silva have the body language which shows they are in control of the ball and focusing on the ball or looking up for what to do next.
Eye contact:
None of the three players on the front cover are making eye contact with the camera, because they took a photo from while each of the players were playing and then crop the photos and put them together, so they were focused on the game being played.
Facial expression:
The players have different facial expressions based on where on the pitch they are, for all players, they have positive facial expressions, because Sergio Aguero has
Each of the players are wearing the football shirt of the club that they are playing for, Sergio Aguero and David Silva are wearing their club kit, whereas Luis Fabiano is wearing his national kit.
Camera angle and lighting:
The photos of the players were taken from a real match so the pictures were taken during the match, plus there wasn’t any lighting for the picture, but there were floodlights so the whole pitch was visible, however that’s for the players not for the picture.
The players aren’t wearing any make up because the pictures were taken while they were on the pitch so they haven’t got any make up on.
5. Does the front page convey responsible messages to the target audience? Say why or why not.The front page sends a message that the players are doing their job and taking it seriously, their not being forced into doing it, so some of the players can be a role model for other things, not just the way they play football.
6. What information does the cover give you about what the magazine contains?The information on the cover shows that there is a lot of gossip in terms of players moving to a different club and also interviews on their life off of the pitch, the magazine also shows information on new and upcoming players.
7. What do the following convey (what do they potentially mean) to the potential reader?
a. The title:
The title of the magazine is also a formation of which a team can use as a tactic, it is also the most used one, so when people see the name of the magazine is FourFourTwo, they will know it is a football magazine.
b. The image on the front cover:
The images on the front cover are of three players playing football, but taken from different periods of the game, so when you are playing football, you should be really focused on what you are doing so you play really well.
8. Do you think the cover will appeal to a potential reader? Explain how and why.
I think the cover will appeal to the reader if they are players/teams that the reader is interested in, or if the cover says that there is more information on the inside, then the reader might really want to know what they have to say about who is moving teams and who are young players that are good.
9. How is it similar to titles in the same genre? How is it different?FourFourTwo is usually the magazine that other football magazines compare to, but I think it’s the best football magazine that isn’t a children’s magazine
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